罗经国《新编英国文学选读》(第4版)笔记讲义考点归纳 【完整内容点击文中链接获取】
第1章 盎格鲁-撒克逊时期(450~1066)
Ⅰ. Historical Background (历史背景)
(1) The earliest settlers of the British Isles were theCelts, who migrated to the British Isles about 600 B.C.
(2) From 55 B.C. to 407 A.D. the British Isles were underthe rule of the Roman Empire.
(3) About 450 A.D., waves of the Angles, Saxons, and Jutesinvaded the British Isles. They settled in England, and drove the Celts intoWales, Scotland, and Ireland.
(4) It was around 500 A.D., in the struggle against Cerdic,the founder of the kingdom of Wessex, that the Celtic King Arthur, a legendaryfigure, is said to have acquired his fame.
(5) Beginning from the later part of the 8th century, theDanes, or the Vikings, came to invade England, at first, along the easterncoast, but later they threatened to overrun the whole country.
(6) In the second half of the 9th century King Alfred, theGreat of Wessex (849~899) led the Anglo-Saxon kings to defeat theinvaders by uniting their forces.
(7) In the early 11th century all England was conquered bythe Danes for 23 years. Then the Danes were expelled, but in l066 the Normanscame from Normandy in northern France to attack England under the leadership ofthe Duke of Normandy who claimed the English throne.
Ⅱ. Northumbrian School and Wessex literature (诺森伯兰流派和西萨克斯文学)
There were two highlights in the development of the Anglo-Saxonliterature.
(1) The first was the Northumbrian School. Its center wasthe monasteries and abbeys in the kingdom of Northumbria. Related with thisschool was Caedmon who lived in the 7th century and who turned the stories inthe Bible into verse form. Another well-known figure of the Northumbrian Schoolwas the Venerable Bede (673~735), a monk who wrote in Latin and whose work. TheEcclesiastical History of English People earned for him the title of “Fatherof English History”.
(2) In 871 Alfred became king of Wessex. His contributionsto English literature are threefold. First, a number of Latin books ofeducative value were translated into West Saxon dialect. It is said that KingAlfred himself translated the history by Bede. Secondly, Alfred was responsiblefor the launching of The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. It began with the storyof Caesar’s conquest and annually recorded important events until 1154. It isan important history book as well as a piece of literary work. Alfred’s thirdcontribution is that he created a style of Anglo-Saxon prose which was not obscure.
Ⅲ. Anglo-Saxon poetry (盎格鲁-撒克逊诗歌)
Some 30, 000 lines of Anglo-Saxon poetry have survived.There are a long epic poetry Beowulf, a number of religious poems andheroic poem, and some elegies. The earliest is Widsith and the last is Maldon,a poem about the battle of Maldon. The most famous Anglo-Saxon poem is Beowulf.
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Ⅳ. Beowulf (《贝奥武甫》)
(1) About the Poem (关于诗歌)
It was probably written down in the 8th century through themanuscript of the poem preserved today dates back to the10th century and was writtenin the Wessex dialect. The poem contains altogether3, 183 lines and the storyin it is based on partly historical and partly legendary materials, broughtover by the Anglo-Saxons from their original homes.
(2) Synopsis (故事梗概)
The epic begins with a brief account of Danish kings downto Hrothgar who builds a splendid hall called Heorot. A monster named Grendelis enraged at the sound of merrymaking which nightly comes from the hall anddisturbs his peace. He comes out of the lair at the bottom of the sea and goesto the hall each night and devours warriors. This has been going on for twelveyears. Beowulf, nephew to King Hygelac of the Geats, hears of Grendel and sailswith fourteen companions to lend help to Hrothgar. The Danish king receives andentertains the visitors and Beowulf boasts of his past exploits and declareshis determination to conquer or die. Grendel comes at night and eats up one ofBeowulf’s companions. Then a terrible combat follows and Beowulf finally winsby tearing one arm and a shoulder off the monster who flees mortally wounded.Hrothgar rewards the hero with rich gifts.
At night Grendel’s mother comes to avenge her son andcarries off Hrothgar’s favourite aeschere. Beowulf is sent for and he sets outwith his companions to seek for the sea-monster. He plunges into a pool andreaches a cave beneath the sea. There he fights with Grendel’s mother andeventually succeeds in killing her with a magic sword found hanging in thecave. He returns with the heads of two monsters and is welcomed and furtherrewarded by Hrothgar. Then he returns to the Geats. In the following year KingHygelac dies and his son succeeds as king but is soon killed in battle with theSwedes. Beowulf is chosen king and rules wisely and well for fifty years.
Then a runaway slave robs part of a hoard of hiddentreasure guarded by a dragon and the latter is enraged and ravages the landwith fiery breath. Beowulf, now an aged king, resolves to fight the dragonhimself. He goes there with twelve companions. The old king orders his men towait outside while he himself goes down to the mound of treasure. There theaged king fights bravely against the dragon but the sword fails him and he isin danger. One of the companions, Wiglaf, rushes down to help and wounds themonster and then Beowulf kills it with a knife but is himself mortally wounded.He gives his last orders about his own funeral as he dies. Wiglaf sends a messengerto announce the king’s death and the people visit the scene of battle and carryaway the treasure. They throw the dragon into the sea and build a funeral pyreto bum Beowulf’s body. The poem ends with the people lamenting Beowulf’s deathand praising him as a great and good king.
(3) Characteristics (人物形象)
Like Homer’s poetry, Beowulf sings of the excitingadventures of a great legendary hero, his resolution to serve his country andkinsfolk, his true courage, courteous conduct, and his love of honor. In thepoem,Beowulf is strong, courageous and selfishness, ready torisk his life in order to rid his people of evil monsters.
(4) Artistic Features (艺术特征)
①The moststriking difference between Old English poetry and later poetry is in thetechnical structure. Every line consists of two clearly separated half lines betweenwhich is a pause, called a caesura, which in Latin means a cutting, a break orpause in a line of poetry; ②Inaddition to alliteration, the scop used a kind of figurative language in orderto add beauty to ordinary objects; ③Afurther stylistic device which should be noted is the use of repetition andvariation. The same idea is expressed more than once by the use of differentwords.
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