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全国大学生英语竞赛C类(本科生)历年真题详解  【完整内容点击文中链接获取】


Section A (5 marks)
In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, one question will be asked, and you have fifteen seconds to read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.
A.They enjoy taking photographs of nature.
B.They like to visit museums worldwide.
C.They wish to see the sculpture “David” one day.
D.They have been to the Louvre Museum.
【达.聪解析】对话中女士提到“I often go to the photography exhibitions at the local museum”,男士提到“I like to hang out at the museum as well”,可知两人的共同之处是都经常去参观博物馆。
W: I often go to photography exhibitions at the local museum. Sometimes the pictures are of nature—you know—wild animals or sunsets... that kind of thing.
M: Yes, I like to hang out at the museum as well. I’m also a big fan of sculpture. Last time I was in Italy I made a special trip to go to see Michelangelo’s “David.” It’s really a very impressive work of art.
W: Wow! I’d love to see that! I was in Paris two years ago and I spent half my time there walking around the Louvre Museum... it was amazing.
Question: What do the speakers have in common?

2、A.They donate part of the money.
B.They set up a charity in memory of their grand uncle.
C.They pay the tax as soon as they get the money.
D.They find the best way to invest the money.
【达聪解析】对话中女士提到“I think you and your wife now should think about investing”,可知女士提出的建议是把钱用于投资。
【录音原文】M: My wife’s grand uncle passed away last month and we unexpectedly got a call from a lawyer telling us he left us something close to $20,000 in his will.
W: Well, that’s indeed a pleasant surprise. I think you and your wife now should think about investing. But the problem is that there’re so many options... Some offer stability but the money grows very slowly. Other options are more risky, but have more earning potential.
Question: What is the woman’s suggestion to the couple?

3、A.Look for a new job.
B.Lessen his anxiety about flying.
C.Take an airplane whenever possible.
D.Drive more to ensure safety.
【达聪解析】对话中女士提到“the idea that you’re more in control behind the wheel of a car than you are in an airplane might not be valid”,女士提出坐车比坐飞机更有控制感的想法是站不住脚的,从而令男士减少坐飞机的恐惧。
W: You certainly picked the wrong profession! You’re an international sales representative—traveling is part of the job!
M: I know! I thought my fear would lessen the more I did it—but it’s been 10 years now and I’m still afraid of flying.
W: You know, the idea that you’re more in control behind the wheel of a car than you are in an airplane might not be valid. Think about it: how much control do you have over road conditions or other drivers on the road? Very little, right?
Question: What does the woman suggest the man do?

内容来源 全国大学生英语竞赛本科C类真题题库 

4、A.It can make an idea more easily acceptable.
B.It can help people reach an agreement.
C.It can fill informal meetings with laughter.
D.It can add color to speeches or presentations.
【达聪解析】对话中女士提到“Research shows that people are more likely to accept an idea if it’s wrapped in humor”,可知调查发现,使用幽默能够令人们更容易接受某个观点。
【录音原文】W: Okay, so let’s go in the other direction now and talk about humor.
M: Ah, that’s something that always puzzled me. Is it a good idea to make jokes?
W: Research shows that people are more likely to accept an idea if it’s wrapped in humor. But the point isn’t about finding a really funny joke. Laughter is actually about bonding.
M: Yes... I’ve noticed that many times people at a meeting are all laughing about something that really isn’t all that funny.
Question: Why is humor important according to the research?

5、A.A hacker who wanted to show off his computer talent.
B.A fired employee who wanted to steal sensitive data.
C.An unidentified Trojan horse.
D.One of the company’s competitors.
【达聪解析】对话中女士提问“Do you think this cyber attack was instigated by one of our competitors?”,男士回答“it certainly could be”,可知男士认为网络攻击是由其他公司竞争者发起的。
【录音原文】W: Do you think this cyber attack was instigated by one of our competitors?
M: I don’t want to point fingers, but it certainly could be. If a Trojan horse got into our mainframe, it could download a lot of sensitive information about our Company’s upcoming product launches.
W: Many companies do spy on each other... but of course, it’s illegal.
Question: Who instigated the cyber attack according to the man?


【完整版获取】 达聪网 全国大学生英语竞赛C类(本科生)题库【历年真题(视频讲解)+章节题库+模拟试题】

  • 类型:题库
  • 推荐指数:
  • 适用:网页/电脑/平板/手机






