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2025年GMAT题库【真题精选+章节题库+模拟试题】AI讲解 _ 达聪学习网

GMAT题库包括真题精选、章节题库和模拟试题三部分。 具体如下: 第一部分为真题精选。精选GMAT分析性写作、综合推理、定量推理和文本逻辑推理真题,考生既可以体验真实考试,也可以测试自己的水平。每道真题均提供名师详细解析。 第二部分为章节题库。遵循GMAT改革内容,按照真题题型的章目编排,共分为四章:分析性写作、综合推理、定量推理和文本逻辑推理。 第三部分为模拟试题。由GMAT考试辅导名师根据GMAT考试的命题规律及热门考点进行考前预测,其试题数量、试题难度基本仿真真题。



  • 第一部分 真题精选
    • 分析性写作真题精选及答案
    • 综合推理真题精选及详解
    • 定量推理真题精选及详解
    • 文本逻辑推理真题精选及详解
  • 第二部分 章节题库
    • 第1章 分析性写作
    • 第2章 综合推理
    • 第3章 定量推理
    • 第4章 文本逻辑推理
  • 第三部分 模拟试题
    • GMAT模拟试题及详解(一)
    • GMAT模拟试题及详解(二)

【内容节选】 The following appeared in a letter from the manager of a rock band named Double Rice.   “One year ago, tickets for Double Rice’s concerts in stadiums around the country took, on average, at least 24 hours to sell out, if they sold out at all. But the band has been enjoying a surge in nationwide popularity among 14 to 25 year olds, and the 30,000 tickets for a recent concert in Megalopolis sold out in 12 minutes. Clearly the ticket sales in Megalopolis are a result both of the band’s increased popularity and of the advertising campaign run in Megalopolis by the Ad Lib advertising agency. Thus, in order to ensure that the band’s success in Megalopolis is repeated across the country, the band should hire Ad Lib to duplicate the Megalopolis ad campaign on a nationwide scale.”    Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion, be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider what questiona 【参考范文】   The manager of the rock band Double Rice (DR) concludes that the band should hire the advertising agency Ad Lib to promote the band throughout the country. To justify this conclusion the manager cites Ad Lib’s campaign to promote a recent DR concert at a large venue in Megalopolis. Tickets for this concert sold out in 12 minutes, whereas one year ago tickets for DR concerts at large venues rarely sold out in less than 24 hours—if at all. The manager reasons that the Megalopolis success must have been attributable to both Ad Lib’s efforts and DR’s popularity. The manager’s argument is flawed in several critical respects.    To begin with, assuming that the Megalopolis success was in fact due to DR’s popularity there, the manager overlooks the possibility that Ad Lib’s campaign had nothing to do with that popularity. Perhaps the band recently became overwhelmingly popular due to a new hit song or to a revival of the type of music DR plays. Either scenario, if t The following is taken from an advertisement placed in a weekly business magazine by the Dickens Academy.   “We distributed a survey to senior management at International Mega-Publishing, Inc. The result of the survey clearly indicates that many employees were well prepared in business knowledge and computer skills, but lacked interpersonal skills to interact gracefully with customers. International Mega-Publishing decided to improve customer satisfaction by sending their newly hired employees to our one-day seminars. Since taking advantage of our program, International Mega-Publishing has seen a sharp increase in sales, an indication that the number of their disgruntled customers has declined significantly. Your company should hire Dickens and let us turn every employee into an ambassador for your company.”    Discuss how well-reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion, be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you m 【参考范文】   This Dickens Academy ad claims that any company wanting to improve customer relations will benefit from enrolling its employees in Dickens’ one-day seminars. To support this claim the ad cites Mega-Publishing’s improved sales after its new employees attended Dickens’ seminar as an indication of improved customer relations. As it stands the ad rests on a series of dubious assumptions, and is therefore unconvincing.    In the first place, the ad relies on the unsubstantiated assumption that the Mega employees attending the seminar are positioned to influence Mega’s sales and its customer relations. Perhaps these new employees were hired for production, editorial, or personnel positions that have nothing to do with customer relations and that have only an indirect and negligible impact on sales. Without providing evidence that these new employees directly influence Mega’s customer relations and sales, I cannot accept the argument that the Dickens seminar was res The following appeared in the annual report from the president of the National Brush Company.    “In order to save money, we at the National Brush Company have decided to pay our employees for each brush they produce instead of for the time they spend producing brushes. We believe that this policy will lead to the production of more and better brushes, will allow us to reduce our staff size, and will enable the company factories to operate for fewer hours-resulting in savings on electricity and security costs. These changes will ensure that the best workers keep their jobs and that the company will earn a profit in the coming year.”   Discuss how well-reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion, be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative examples or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort 【参考范文】   In this report, the president of National Brush Company (NBC) concludes that the best way to ensure that NBC will earn a profit next year is for the company to pay its workers according to the number of brushes they produce—rather than hourly. To support this conclusion, the president claims that the new policy will result in the production of more and better brushes, which in turn will allow NBC to reduce its staff size and operating hours, thereby cutting expenses. This argument is fraught with dubious assumptions, which render it entirely unconvincing.    First of all, the argument relies on the unsubstantiated assumption that the new policy will motivate workers to produce brushes more quickly. Whether this is the case will depend, of course, on the amount earned per brush and the rate at which workers can produce brushes. It will also depend on the extent to which NBC workers are content with their current income level. Lacking evidence that the new policy w The controversial amendment to generally accepted accounting principles will require companies accounting for stock options as expenses at the time they are granted E 固定搭配“require to do”,“at the time”与when同意,故本题选E项。 Found exclusively on the Galapagos Islands, marine igmanas are the only species of iguana to enter the water, where they seek out the algae that make up the bulk of its diet. C 根据“its diet”可知,填入部分主语为单数,故可知C项是正确的。 The explorers’chances of surviving the winter, which were good at the beginning of the expedition, dropped as their food supplies dwindled, but not dramatically enough that anyone advocated cannibalism. A 根据“dropped”一词可知,应该使用“dwindled”,故B、D、E错误;A、C项相比,A项更符合习惯表达,故本题选A项。 For the following questions, select the best of the answer choices given.   Pandas are rapidly disappearing from the wild. Therefore, in order to preserve the species, existing pandas should be captured and placed in zoos around the world. Which of the following statements, if true, casts most doubt on the conclusion drawn above? C A、B对这个结论起到了支持作用;D、E项与该结论无关,故本题选C项。 Popular culture in the United States has become Europeanized to an extent unimaginable twenty-five years ago. Not many people then drank wine with meals, and no one drank imported mineral water. No idea would have been more astonishing than that Americans would pay to watch, soccer games. Such thoughts arise because of a report that the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials has just adopted a proposal to develop the country’s first comprehensive interstate system of routes for bicycles.   Which of the following inferences is best supported by the passage? A 文段第一句提出结论:美国的大众文化的欧洲化严重,之后作者列举了几个例证:用餐的时候喝葡萄酒、饮用进口的矿泉水、花钱看英式足球比赛、综合性的州际自行车道路系统的建立;所以可以推测欧洲使用长距离自行车道路,故本题选A项。 Being overweight increases a person’s risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. Studies have shown that high-protein diets help people lose weight who have not been able to lose weight in any other way. Therefore, high-protein diets can be an important part of a healthy lifestyle.   Which of the following, if true, most undermines the conclusion expressed above about high-protein diets? A 推断中提到高蛋白质的饮食可以帮助人们减肥,但是如果高蛋白质的饮食会导致其他严重的健康问题的话,这个推断就会遭到质疑,故本题应选A项。 The following questions present a sentence, part of which or all of which is underlined. Beneath the sentence, you will find five ways of phrasing the underlined part. The first of these repeats the original; the other four are different. If you think the original is best, choose the first answer; otherwise choose one of the others.   These questions test correctness and effectiveness of expression. In choosing your answer, follow the requirements of standard written English; that is, pay attention to grammar, choice of words, and sentence construction. Choose the answer that produces the most effective sentence; this answer should be clear and exact, without awkwardness, ambiguity, redundancy, or grammatical error.     Farmers frequently plant a nurse crop such as oats to protect seedlings from overexposure to the sun, prevent soil erosion, and it reduces growth of weeds. B 填入内容和“prevent soil erosion”形成平行结构,故本题选B项。 Some soldiers that were killed and seriously injured in the fighting last year were not trained according to regulations. D A、C项中“killed and seriously injured”不符合逻辑;B、E中时态错误,故本题选D项。 Stalactites and stalagmites, accretions of minerals formed over time by dripping water, are common features in the region’s corners. A B项不符合逻辑;C项不符合习惯表达;D项主谓语单复数不一致;E项“which”指代错误,故本题选A项。 The combat code of medieval knights resembled that of Iapanese samurai and therefore, had they faced firearms in combat, would most likely have reacted in a similar manner to the Japanese samurai of the Meiji Revolution. C 根据后句可知,“knights”是句子的主语,“combat code”不是,故A、D、E错误;B项表达中存在歧义,故本题选C项。 DIRECTIONS: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. You may, for example, consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking, what alternative explanations or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion, or what sort of evidence could help strengthen or refute the argument.   Read the argument and the instructions that follow it, and then make any notes that will help you plan your response. Write your response on a separate sheet of paper. If possible, type your essay on a word processor. Observe the 30-minute time limit. 【参考范文】     In this argument the author concludes that the city should allocate some of its arts funding to public television. The conclusion is based on two facts: attendance at the city’s art museum has increased proportionally with the increases in visual-arts program viewing on public television, and public television is being threatened by severe cuts in corporate funding. While this argument is somewhat convincing, a few concerns need to be addressed.     To begin with, the argument depends on the assumption that increased exposure to the visual arts on television, mainly public television, has caused a similar increase in local art-museum attendance. However, just because increased art-museum attendance can be statistically correlated with similar increases in television viewing of visual-arts programs, this does not necessarily mean that the increased television viewing of arts is the cause of the rise in museum attendance.     Moreover, perhaps there are othe Select the best answer or answers for the questions below. You may use a calculator for this section of the test only.   The number of people in the world who natively speak Language A is 330 million. The number of people in the world who natively speak Language B is 260 million. Language experts who chart the growth of both languages claim that in five years, the number of persons who natively speak Language A will be approximately 450 million, and the number of persons who natively speak Language B will be approximately 300 million.   In the table below, identify the average annual rate of growth of Language A native speakers, and then identify the difference between Language A’s and Language B’s average annual growth rates. Make only two selections, one in each column.   如果母语为A语言的人数从3亿3千万(330,000,000)增长到4亿5千万(450,000,000),那么增加人数为1亿2千万(120,000,000)。因此5年间,平均每年增长人数为120,000,000/5=240,000, 000。   如果母语为B语言的人数从2亿6千万(260,000,000)增长到3亿(300,000,000),那么增加人数为4千万(40, 000, 000)。因此5年间,平均每年增长人数为40, 000, 000\5=8, 000, 000。因此两种语言平均年增长人数之差为240,000, 000-8, 000, 000=16, 000, 000。 The following table displays data on surgeries performed at a Boston hospital in 2010.   On the actual exam, you will be able to sort the table by any of its columns. (Columns can be sorted in ascending order only.) The following table is shown sorted in different ways to mirror the test. Sorted by Department Sorted by Elective Surgeries, State Share Sorted by Urgent Surgeries, State Share For each of the following statements, select Yes if the statement can be shown to be true based on information in the table. Otherwise, select No.   第一句,根据第三张表格,可看出该医院所做紧急整形手术的次数在整个州排名第五,比较靠后,但并不知道该医院其他部门所做手术的次数,因此无法确定是否该医院紧急整形手术次数比其他部门所做手术次数都要少。   第二句,同样从第三张表格中可知,在所做紧急矫正手术次数方面,该医院在整个州排名第四,因此至少有四家做该手术的医院。   第三句,从第二张表格中可看出,整个州45%的非紧急心脏手术均在该医院所做,剩下55%在其他医院所做。但该医院在做非紧急心脏手术次数排名方面占据第一,因此其他医院所做非紧急心脏手术次数均比45%小,也就是说至少要有三家医院可以作非紧急心脏手术。 Read the sources below before answering the question that follows.   Source # 1: News article in popular major newspaper    If current trends continue, 24 million men will find themselves bachelors for life by 2020. China’s “one-child policy” has had an unintended effect: the narrowing of the gene pool. Female children are aborted more than 50 percent of the time, because families want a male heir. The2005 census showed that for every 119 boys only 100 girls were born. Experts agree that that number has grown to 130 to 100 since 2005.       Source #2: Interview with genetic expert    The one-child policy, first put into effect in the 1980s, was designed to slow the rapid growth of the Chinese people, as that growth was causing severe overcrowding. Leaders believed the policy would protect the country’s resources and improve productivity. Unfortunately, they did not foresee that the long-held preference for male heirs would lead to genocide and a substantial gender   从Source #2可知独生子女政策在中国实行以来,出生率与女性之间的比例由3:1降至1.8:1,因此第二句可从所给材料中得出,而第一句和第三句从所给材料中均无法得出。 In-Style Interiors is considering buying two new paint bases that have become extremely popular as interior decor paints, because they lend themselves well to texturing. Quality Touch costs $13 a gallon, and it requires two coats. Something Irresistible costs $31 per gallon and is guaranteed to create a one-coat cover.   In the table below, identify the cost (to the nearest rounded dollar) of using each paint type to cover a wall measuring 24 feet × 18 feet. Each gallon will complete a single coat of 350 square feet, and paint can be purchased in full gallons only. Select only one option in each column.   需要涂底漆的墙的面积为24×18=432(平方英尺),Quality Touch牌子的底漆需涂两层,因此需涂面积为432×2=864(平方英尺)。1加仑该牌子的底漆能涂350平方英尺的墙面,那么涂864平方英尺的墙需要3加仑,该底漆每加仑13美元,因此使用Quality Touch需花费用为39美元。    Something Irresistible牌子的底漆只需涂一层即可,该底漆每加仑可涂350平方英尺,因此涂整个墙面需2加仑底漆,按每加仑31美元计算,则总花费为62美元。 Read the sources below before answering the question that follows.   Source # 1: Article about basswood consumption    Currently the global economy consumes roughly 15 billion cubic feet of hardwood per year. This is nearly 2. 5 times the amount of hardwood consumed annually in the 1950s. This causes a number of environmental issues including loss of watersheds, destruction of habitats, increased air pollution, and landfill crowding.    Global hardwood consumption is expected to steadily increase, growing by roughly 20% in the 2010s and by more than 50% by 2050. The effects of the growth will be devastating to the world’s hardwood forest, It is estimated that currently 10 times more trees are lost annually to wood consumption than are replanted, resulting in a net destruction of 40 million forest acres annually.       Source #2: Analysis of hardwood industrial paths    All wood consumption flows through two industry paths: construction use and stationery consumptio   从Source #1可知全球范围内每年所用硬木材的总量为150亿立方英尺,而Source #3显示出美国、其他工业国家和发展中国家每年所用硬木材占全球范围内所用硬木材总量的比例。因此可以算出美国、其他工业国家和发展中国家每年所用硬木材的量。   从Source #3可得出大多欧洲国家居民每年所消耗纸的量,由于每个美国人平均每年所消耗纸的量已知,即每人每年886磅,并且是大多数欧洲居民的2倍,因此可知大多数欧洲居民每年所消耗纸的量,即886×2=1772磅。    Source #1给出了全球范围内每年所用硬木材的总量,而Source #2提到所砍伐的硬木材有50%被运到锯木厂用于whole-wood projects,因此可知由于whole-wood projects而被运到锯木厂的硬木材的量。 The following table gives information for 2011 on total cancelled flights and total passengers rebooked. The 19 airports included in the table are among the top 25 airports throughout the United States in terms of both total cancelled flights and total rebooked passengers. In addition to listing the total cancelled flights and total rebooked passengers for each airport, the table also gives the percent of increase or decrease over the 2010 cancelled flights and rebooked passengers, and the rank of each airport for total cancelled flights and total rebooked passengers. Sorted by State Sorted by Wind Zone Sorted by Wind Zone (continued) Sorted by Rank in Cancelled Flights Sorted by Rank in Passengers Rebooked    Review each of the statements below. Based on the information provided in the table, indicate whether the statement is true or false.   从第二张表格中可以看出,有三个机场位于风带III HSR,并且航班被取消的次数均出现了下降。   从第一张表格中可知,弗罗里达州所有航班在被取消航班次数方面的排名在所有纽约机场之前,但改签机票乘客最多的为纽约的一个机场,因此第二句表述有误。   根据第三张表格可知,航班取消次数最多的五个机场中,只有两个在被取消航班次数变化这一栏的数据为负数,即比去年相比次数减少,因此第三句表述有误。   根据第二张表格的续表可知,只有一个机场位于风带II SWR,并且该机场取消航班次数为187, 905,因此最后一句表述有误。



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  • 2025年GMAT题库【真题精选+章节题库+模拟试题】

    GMAT题库包括真题精选、章节题库和模拟试题三部分。 具体如下: 第一部分为真题精选。精选GMAT分析性写作、综合推理、定量推理和文本逻辑推理真题,考生既可以体验真实考试,也可以测试自己的水平。每道真题均提供名师详细解析。 第二部分为章节题库。遵循GMAT改革内容,按照真题题型的章目编排,共分为四章:分析性写作、综合推理、定量推理和文本逻辑推理。 第三部分为模拟试题。由GMAT考试辅导名师根据GMAT考试的命题规律及热门考点进行考前预测,其试题数量、试题难度基本仿真真题。

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