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全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语三级笔译实务题库【历年真题+章节题库+模拟试题】   【完整内容点链接获取】

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1Stop reclining your airplane seat.
  Two domestic airlines already limit your ability to lean back in economy class. Even if the airline doesn't make the decision for you, it’s the polite thing to do. And, most important, it’s the right thing to do.
  “Seat reclining is one of the most irritating, inconvenient, self-indulgent habits,” says Simon Sapper, an organizational consultant and frequent traveler based in London. “Period.”
  But click around the internet for a while, and you’ll find that this debate is far from settled. Many of the blogosphere’s “experts” believe it’s their God-given right to recline. Ironically, the loudest seat recliners don’t even fly in economy class.
  So, as a public service, let’s settle this argument now. Reclining your airline seat is unacceptable because we’re officially out of space. It’s rude—and it’s wrong.
  There’s no space to recline. Airlines are trying to squeeze more passengers on a plane to make more money. Before airline deregulation, many economy class seats had a generous 36 inches of “pitch,” a rough measure of legroom. Today, some seats have as little as 28 inches.
  “I feel most folks would rather sacrifice the 2 inches of reclining backward not to have someone sitting in their lap for the distance of a flight,” says Mary Camillo, a travel advisor from Middletown, New Jersey. “Airlines should instill on passengers what parents have been trying to instill in their children for years. That is, if you do not have enough to share with everyone, then wait until you do.”
  Also, airlines should immediately stop using the phrase “Sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight.” That’s an invitation to lean back all the way. But it’s a cruel joke. On two airlines—Delta and Spirit—you can’t fully recline. On other airlines, you’ll invade another passenger’s personal space, which might lead to an unfriendly confrontation.
  You can do a lot of things on a plane. For example, you can tell your life story to your seatmate. You can eat a Limburger cheese and Bermuda onion sandwich. You can press the flight attendant call button repeatedly. But all are probably bad ideas.
  “Seat recline is a moral issue,” says Jennifer Aspinwall, a frequent air traveler who writes the World On A Whim blog. “What do you do if the person in front of you reclines all the way? What if you turn around to discover that a 6-foot-4 passenger seated behind you? Do you eat your meal in your lap while the tray table cuts into your stomach or do recline as well and crush the legs of the person behind you?”
  Couldn’t have said it better myself. Reclining a seat is wrong.
  Airlines should lock their economy seats from reclining—permanently.
  So if there’s no room to recline your airplane seat, and it’s wrong, why do so many airlines still allow it? Because if they didn’t, it would be an admission that they no longer care about your comfort. Airlines are stacking you into a plane like cargo—no two ways about it.
  “I wish all airlines would eliminate the recline function,” says Larry Hickerson, a retired Air Force inspector and million-miler from Peoria, Arizona. “Since airlines went to ridiculously tight pitches, recline sets up an untenable situation.”
  Right now, about half the people reading this column probably want to name their firstborn after me. The other half want to kill me. And the airline folks? They’re laughing.
  The airline industry loves the seat reclining argument because it divides us. And while we’re arguing about 2 inches of personal space, they’re busy collecting more money from passengers and slowly—ever so slowly—removing even more room. This debate is the perfect distraction.
  Whether you think reclining your airline seat is wrong or not, let’s agree on one thing: Greedy airlines got us to this point. Fighting over the scraps of space won’t fix it. If we ever needed thoughtful government regulation, maybe it is now.
  How to deal with a seat recliner?
  Reclining an airline seat is still allowed on most domestic flights. Here’s how to deal with someone who leans into your airspace.
  Ask them to lean forward. Timing and tone are important here. The moment someone leans back, gently tap the person on the shoulder and politely ask them if it would be possible not to recline their seat. Be. Extra. Nice.
  Get a flight attendant involved. Some leaners are clever and wait for you to go to the restroom before leaning. Then they feign sleep, which makes you reluctant to bother them. Oldest trick in the book. You can always ask a flight attendant for help.
  Move airplane seats. If you see another open seat in your class of service, feel free to move, as long as the seat belt sign isn’t illuminated. You might also want to ask a flight attendant for permission. As a reminder, the seats in front of the exit row don’t recline. So usually, an exit row seat means you’ll keep your legroom. And maybe, your sanity.


  “放低座椅靠背是最恼人、最易造成不便、最自私的一种习惯,”常驻伦敦的组织顾问西蒙·萨珀(Simon Sapper)经常出差,他说,“这种习惯必须立刻终止”。
  “我觉得大多数人宁愿牺牲那2英寸的仰躺空间,也不愿意在飞行途中一直坐在他人腿上,”新泽西州米德尔敦的旅行顾问玛丽·卡米罗(Mary Camillo)说。“父母多年来一直给孩子灌输这样一个观念:对于某样东西,如果你尚未拥有足够的量可以和所有人分享,那就等你拥有足够的量再去分享。航空公司也应该向乘客灌输这一观念。”
  “放低座椅靠背也涉及道德问题,”詹妮弗·阿斯品沃尔(Jennifer Aspinwall)经常搭乘飞机旅行,她在其博客“突发奇想的世界”中写道,“在飞机上,如果前排乘客全程仰躺,你会怎么做?如果你转身,发现后排坐着一个人高马大的家伙,你该怎么办?用餐时因为前排乘客仰躺导致小桌板顶到肚子,你是在大腿上将就着吃,还是也向后仰躺,压后排乘客的腿呢?”
  亚利桑那州皮奥里亚的拉里·希克森(Larry Hickerson)是一名退休的空军巡视员,也是百万英里飞行纪录保持者,他说:“我希望所有航空公司都能取消放低座椅靠背这个功能。由于飞机座舱内空间极为紧张,放低座椅靠背会导致难以维持的局面。”
  (1)Two domestic airlines already limit your ability to lean back in economy class. Even if the airline doesn't make the decision for you, it's the polite thing to do. And, most important, it's the right thing to do. 两家美国航空公司已经限制了经济舱乘客放低座椅靠背的能力。即使航空公司没有这样做,那也是出于礼貌。最重要的是,这是一项正确的举措。
  [分析]选词用词采分点。domestic不能直接译为“国内的”,此处指的是“美国的航空公司”。lean back,同后文的recline,在此处表示“放低座椅靠背,向后仰躺”,要代入语境,将其正确含义解释清楚。
  (2)“Seat reclining is one of the most irritating, inconvenient, self-indulgent habits,” says Simon Sapper, an organizational consultant and frequent traveler based in London. “Period.” “放低座椅靠背是最恼人、最易造成不便、最自私的一种习惯,”常驻伦敦的组织顾问西蒙·萨珀(Simon Sapper)经常出差,他说,“这种习惯必须立刻终止”。
  (3)I feel most folks would rather sacrifice the 2 inches of reclining backward not to have someone sitting in their lap for the distance of a flight. 我觉得大多数人宁愿牺牲那2英寸的仰躺空间,也不愿在飞行途中一直坐在他人腿上。
  [分析]理解结构采分点。would rather...not to...结构可以译为“宁愿…也不愿…”,have sb. Doing意思是“让某人一直做某事”,现在分词sitting引导的动词短语充当使役动词have的宾语补足语。
  (4)Airlines should instill on passengers what parents have been trying to instill in their children for years. That is, if you do not have enough to share with everyone, then wait until you do. 父母多年来一直给孩子灌输这样一个观念:对于某样东西,如果你尚未拥有足够的量可以和所有人分享,那就等你拥有足够的量再去分享。航空公司也应该向乘客灌输这一观念。
  [分析] 理解结构采分点。what引导的句子是介词短语instill on的宾语从句,可以先将宾语从句的内容翻译出来,即“父母多年来一直给孩子灌输这样一个观念”,句首的内容最后再点出:“航空公司也应该向乘客灌输这一观念”。句末的until you do是省略句,还原为until you have enough to share with everyone,在译文中可以将还原的内容补充完整,即“那就等你拥有足够的量再去分享”。
  (5)What if you turn around to discover that a 6-foot-4 passenger seated behind you? Do you eat your meal in your lap while the tray table cuts into your stomach or do recline as well and crush the legs of the person behind you? 如果你转身,发现后排坐着一个人高马大的家伙,你该怎么办?用餐时因为前排乘客仰躺导致小桌板顶到肚子,你是在大腿上将就着吃,还是也向后仰躺,压后排乘客的腿呢?
  [分析]选词用词采分点。a 6-foot-4 passenger可以不用直译出“6英尺4英寸”,该单位不是中文常用单位。可以考虑换算为中文中的“米”,即“身高1米9左右”,也可以译出其实质含义,此处是想表达这位乘客“身材魁梧,人高马大”。the tray table cuts into your stomach是指“小桌板顶到肚子”,此处要代入语境理解。
  (6)Airlines are stacking you into a plane like cargo—no two ways about it. 如此一来,航空公司就把乘客当货物一样堆进飞机,这一点毫无疑问。
  [分析]选词用词采分点。no two ways about it是固定表达,意为“毫无疑问”。这一句与上文“航空公司不关心乘客的舒适度”衔接紧密,因此在句首补充“如此一来”,使得行文更为流畅自然。
  (7)Right now, about half the people reading this column probably want to name their firstborn after me. The other half want to kill me. 现在,专栏读者里大约有一半人赞同我的想法,另一半可能是想杀了我。
  [分析]选词用词采分点。此处name their firstborn after me是想表达这一半的读者“非常赞同我的想法”,直译为“用我的名字给他们的第一个小孩命名”不妥,建议译出其引申含义。
  (8)This debate is the perfect distraction. 这场争论完全分散了我们的注意力。
  [分析]选词用词采分点。英文重静态,中文重动态。英译中可以考虑将名词动词化,句中perfect distraction意为“使人注意力分散的事物”,实际上是想表达这场辩论“完全分散了我们的注意力”,符合中文表达习惯。
  (9)Fighting over the scraps of space won't fix it. If we ever needed thoughtful government regulation, maybe it is now. 与人争夺那一丁点空间解决不了问题。要说什么时候需要严缜的政府监管,也许现在正是时候。
  [分析]理解结构采分点及选词用词采分点。the scraps of space表示“一丁点的空间”。if…ever是个强调句,可以译为“要说什么时候……”。
  (10)As a reminder, the seats in front of the exit row don't recline. So usually, an exit row seat means you'll keep your legroom. And maybe, your sanity. 提醒一下,出口前排的座位不能放低靠背。所以,通常情况下,出口处的座位意味着你能伸展双腿,或许也能让你全程保持理智。







1Are you having difficulty following diets? Our lives are way more complex than those which allow us to stick to a monotonous restrictive diet. Food psychologist Ridhi Golechha (里迪·格莱查) said, “If all of us could follow diets, we’d all have reached our goals. Real-life stresses such as lockdown anxiety, relationship conflicts, workload, financial stresses, exasperating parenting, teenage drama, and so much more directly impact how we feel and by virtue, what we eat. If, on paper, diets were so easy to follow, then we’d all be part of that tiny ten percent of people in the world (athletes, models, or actresses)—who are permanently fit.
  We all know of those rough days when all we want is to drown our faces in a tub of ice cream or reach out for that melting chocolate cake. “Emotional eating is nothing but eating our emotions. We’re all human with emotions and hunger. By that definition, all of us are emotional eaters. We turn to food when we’re overwhelmed with anger, sadness, frustration, or any other significant emotion,” explained Ridhi.
  There’s a reason why the butterfly comes back to suck sweet nectar from the flowers, in turn pollinating the rest of the garden. Humans, much like animals, birds, and insects, are hardwired for pleasure. But here’s the catch: we humans are afraid of receiving pleasure. If they eat a slice of cheesy pizza (and also enjoy it), they are afraid that they’ll be overwhelmed with pleasure, lose control, and end up finishing the whole pizza. We fear this would result in a failed diet, weight gain, and massive guilt, so we avoid it altogether. But, it doesn’t work.
  “Biology suggests otherwise. Like every other species, homo-sapiens were also built for survival. Non-extinction and strength (body fuel) are essential for our survival. It is pleasure that drives humans to repeat the feel-good behaviour endlessly,” explained Ridhi.
  When does emotional eating become worrisome? “Largely, there’s nothing wrong with that. We do eat to manage and cope with our feelings, especially those that don’t feel so good, because eating itself is so biologically rewarding. It’s completely okay if we’re doing it once in a while, because as I said—we’re all evolutionarily wired to emotional eating. However, if we’re constantly depending on food to swallow our difficult emotions and discomforts—leaving us with a feeling of guilt constantly at the end of it—then definitely, we need to work on it”, said Ridhi.
  What can we do to reduce emotional eating? According to Ridhi, the reason we fail our diets is that we try to fight biology and suppress our emotions, which only works temporarily. To make long-lasting changes, we must address the root causes of emotional eating. Although the best way to address it would be to understand your patterns and emotional eating journey through mind-body eating coaching, here are a few easy tips to get you started:
  First, don’t skip meals. Starving often confuses your biological hunger drives and makes you more vulnerable to eat your emotions. Second, understand the difference between actual physical hunger versus emotional hunger. Third, make a list of the top three emotions you feel weekly and start finding different ways to cope with them. Fourth, talk to an expert. It’s better not to ignore your emotional eating since it can later cause health issues like bloating, gas, acidity, constipation, etc. Fifth, go for a walk or do something completely different that will take away your urge by distracting you momentarily.
  Emotional eating is a message that reveals a deeper problem. Understanding yourself and the way you eat can address the root causes and enable you to live a life that is beyond food obsessions and the fear of failing your diets.


  (1)If all of us could follow diets, we’d all have reached our goals. Real-life stresses such as lockdown anxiety, relationship conflicts, workload, financial stresses, exasperating parenting, teenage drama, and so much more directly impact how we feel and by virtue, what we eat. 现实生活中的压力,比如封锁隔离带来的焦虑、关系冲突、工作负担、经济压力、育儿烦恼、青春期问题等等,都会直接影响我们的感受,进而影响我们的饮食。
  [分析]理解结构采分点及选词用词采分点。句中的how we feel和what we eat是impact所引导的宾语从句,在翻译时可翻译成名词短语。lockdown原指“活动(或行为)限制”,在此处可结合全国的大环境,翻译成“封锁隔离”。“teenage drama”可翻译成“青春期问题”。
  (2)We all know of those rough days when all we want is to drown our faces in a tub of ice cream or reach out for that melting chocolate cake. 我们都有过那些艰难的日子,那时我们只想把头埋进冰激凌桶里,或者伸手去拿正在融化的巧克力蛋糕。
  [分析]理解结构采分点。句中when引导的是定语从句,修饰前文的rough days,在翻译时采用定语从句后置翻译法,用“那时”囊括when一词所表达的含义。
  (3)We turn to food when we’re overwhelmed with anger, sadness, frustration, or any other significant emotion. 当我们被愤怒、悲伤、沮丧或任何其他重大情绪淹没时,我们会通过吃东西来释放情绪。
  [分析]turn to food的字面意思是“转向食物”,在此处可以联系上下文增译成“通过吃东西来释放情绪”。
  (4)Humans, much like animals, birds, and insects, are hardwired for pleasure. 人类就像动物、鸟类和昆虫,生来就会享乐。
  [分析]选词用词采分点。形容词短语be hardwired for可翻译成“天生、生来”。
  (5)We fear this would result in a failed diet, weight gain, and massive guilt, so we avoid it altogether. 我们担心这会导致节食失败、体重增加、负罪感增大,所以我们不如一块披萨都不吃。
  [分析]选词用词采分点。“a failed diet, weight gain, and massive guilt”这些偏正短语中带有动词意味的形容词“failed”“massive”以及名词“gain”在翻译时可动词化。
  (6)We do eat to manage and cope with our feelings, especially those that don’t feel so good, because eating itself is so biologically rewarding. 我们的确通过吃东西来管控情绪,尤其是那些感觉不太好的情绪,因为吃东西本身在生物学上就令人心情愉悦。
  (7)According to Ridhi, the reason we fail our diets is that we try to fight biology and suppress our emotions, which only works temporarily. 根据里迪的说法,我们节食失败的原因是我们试图对抗生理规律、抑制我们的情绪,这只是暂时奏效。
  (8)Starving often confuses your biological hunger drives and makes you more vulnerable to eat your emotions. 饥饿经常会扰乱你的生理饥饿驱动力,让你更容易情绪性进食。
  [分析]选词用词采分点。eat your emotions的字面意思是“吃掉你的情绪”,在此处可以联系上下文增译成“情绪化进食”。
  (9)Fifth, go for a walk or do something completely different that will take away your urge by distracting you momentarily. 第五,去散步或做一些完全不相干的事情,通过分散你的注意力来暂时消除你暴饮暴食的冲动。
  (10)Understanding yourself and the way you eat via can address the root causes and enable you to live a life that is beyond food obsessions and the fear of failing your diets. 通过了解自己以及自己的饮食方式可以从根本上解决情绪性进食,让你的生活不再有暴饮暴食的困扰,不再担心节食失败。

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