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湘潭大学外国语学院《357英语翻译基础》[专业硕士]历年考研真题AI讲解 _ 达聪学习网











【内容节选】 2011年湘潭大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解I. ExpressionTranslation (30’ = 1’×30)Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology intotheir target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this partof the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each. (1’x30=30’)1 EU【答案】欧盟 (European Union)查看答案2 UN【答案】联合国 (United Nations)查看答案3 CPI【答案】消费者价格指数 (Consumer Price Index)查看答案4 ASEAN【答案】东南亚国家联盟(东盟)  (Association ofSoutheast Asian Nations)查看答案5 OPEC【答案】石油输出国家组织 (Organization ofPetroleum Exporting Countries)查看答案6 ATM【答案】自动出纳机 (Automatic Teller Machine)查看答案7 CPC【答案】中国共产党(Communist Party of China)查看答案8 GDP 【答案】国内生产总值 (Gross Domestic Product)查看答案9 treasury bonds【答案】长期国债查看答案10 international common practice【答案】国际惯例查看答案11 cash on delivery【答案】货到付款查看答案12 economic globalization【答案】经济全球化查看答案13 head-hunting company【答案】猎头经济查看答案14 bubble economy【答案】泡沫经济查看答案15 brain drain【答案】人才流失查看答案16 白马王子【答案】Prince Charming查看答案17 按揭贷款【答案】mortgage loans查看答案18 变相涨价【答案】disguised inflation查看答案19 博彩业【答案】lottery industry查看答案20 春运【答案】the Spring Festival transport season查看答案21 扶贫【答案】poverty alleviation查看答案22 各就各位【答案】on your marks查看答案23 黑社会【答案】gangdom查看答案24 扩大内需【答案】expand domestic demand查看答案25 买一送一【答案】buy one get one free查看答案26 外汇管制【答案】exchange control查看答案27 喜忧参半【答案】mingled hope and fear查看答案28 不可再生资源【答案】non-renewable resources查看答案29 优胜劣汰【答案】survival of the fittest查看答案30 信、达、雅【答案】faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance查看答案II. PassageTranslation (120’ = 60’ x 2)Directions: Translate the following source texts into their target languagerespectively. There are altogether 2 texts in this part of the test, 1 in Englishand 1in Chinese, with 60 points for each. (60’x2=120’)Source Text 1:The old manwould surely be proud. This week some 300 representatives, from 35differentcountries, gathered in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People for the first-everConfucius Institute conference. This was no philosophical pow-wow, but theworld’s largest-ever conference on teaching Chinese as a foreign language.Confucius Institutes are China’s answer to the Alliance Francaise, Germany’sGoethe Institute and the British Council, and officials hope they will helpmeet a growing global demand for Chinese-language education.ConfuciusInstitutes have got off to a roaring start. The first was established in Uzbekistanin June 2004, the 75th in Poland exactly two years later. No other Chinese internationalfranchise has done as well. Officially, they are overseen by Hanban, the agencycharged by the Education Ministry with promoting the teaching of Chineseoverseas.But Hanban’sstaff of only around 50 can barely cope with the volume of applications, on topof its other duties which include administering Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, thestandard test of proficiency in Chinese.So Hanban haslet the network grow organically. One key to its success has been the use ofjoint ventures. The institutes are not run by Hanban, but by partnershipsbetween Chinese universities and local universities in the host country. Thehost university takes the responsibility for housing the institute; its Chinesepartner provides the teaching staff and materials.A secondadvantage is the institutes’ ability to adapt to local demands, rather than followinga set curriculum. Thus, in Nairobi, you can learn how to make Tianjindumplings, while in Singapore you can sign up for a 14-day study tour of thesage’s hometown, Qufu, in Shandong province.Hanban claimsthat the primary role of the Confucius Institutes is to teach Chinese, but theirname is also evocative of China’s former influence in Asia, and its growingpresence now. Even in the 21st century, Confucius is proving to be China’s bestambassador. (318 words)【参考译文】孔老夫子肯定会感到自豪。本周,来自35个国家的近300名代表在北京人民大会堂召开了首届孔子学院大会。这不是一次讨论哲学思想的会议,而是迄今为止最大的一次研究对外汉语教学的大会。孔子学院的意义如同法兰西联谊会、德国歌德学院和英国文化协会,中国官员希望它将有助于满足全球对汉语教学日益增长的需求。孔子学院一开始发展就非常迅猛。第一所孔子学院于2004年6月在乌兹别克斯坦塔什干成立,短短两年后在波兰克拉科夫就成立了第75所。目前中国还没有哪一家国际机构能与之媲美。这些孔子学院的官方主管部门为国家汉办(国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室),后者是教育部下属机构,负责海外汉语教学推广。不过,仅有50名左右工作人员的汉办实在难以应付纷至沓来的办学申请,而且它还担负其它一些职责比如汉语水平考试管理(考查汉语掌握程度的标准考试)。因此,汉办有条不紊地扩大办学网络。其成功的秘诀之一是采取合资办学的方式。这些学院不归汉办管理,而归一些中国大学和所在国大学联合主办。所在国大学负责安排校舍,而中方则负责提供师资和教材。这种做法的第二个好处在于,学院可以因地制宜,而不用遵循固定课程模式。这样一来,在内罗毕可以学做天津包子,而在新加坡则可以报名参加赴孔圣人故乡——山东曲阜的为期十四天的学术旅行团。汉办称,孔子学院的首要任务是汉语教学,但是它们的名字也让人想起了中国在亚洲曾经拥有的影响力及其越来越重要的地位。虽说已经到了21世纪,但事实表明孔子仍是中国最杰出的使者。Source Text 2:全球气候变化及其不利影响是人类共同关心的问题。工业革命以来的人类活动,尤其是发达国家在工业化过程中大量消耗能源资源,导致大气中温室气体浓度增加,引起全球气候近50年来以变暖为主要特征的显著变化,对全球自然生态系统产生了明显影响,对人类社会的生存和发展带来严重挑战。中国是一个发展中国家,人口众多、经济发展水平低、气候条件复杂、生态环境脆弱,易受气候变化的不利影响。气候变化对中国自然生态系统和经济社会发展带来了现实的威胁,主要体现在农牧业、林业、自然生态系统、水资源等领域以及沿海和生态脆弱地区,适应气候变化已成为中国的迫切任务。同时,中国正处于经济快速发展阶段,面临着发展经济、消除贫困和减缓温室气体排放的多重压力,应对气候变化的形势严峻,任务繁重。(324 words)【参考译文】Global climate change and its adverseeffects are a common concern of mankind. Ever since the industrial revolution,human activities, especially the massive consumption of energy and resources bydeveloped countries in the process of industrialization, have increased theatmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, produced conspicuous impacts onthe natural ecosystems of the Earth, and posed severe challenges to thesurvival and development of human society.As a developingcountry with a large population, a relatively low level of economicdevelopment, a complex climate and a fragile eco-environment, China isvulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, which has broughtsubstantial threats to the natural ecosystems as well as the economic andsocial development of the country. These threats are particularly pressing inthe fields of agriculture and livestock breeding, forestry, natural ecosystemsand water resources, and in coastal and eco-fragile zones. Therefore, China’spriority task at present is to adapt itself to climate change. The multiplepressures of developing the economy, eliminating poverty and mitigating theemissions of greenhouse gases constitute difficulties for China in its effortsto cope with climate change, since the country is undergoing rapid economicdevelopment.



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