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刘意青《简明英国文学史》考研笔记整理 【完整内容点击文中链接获取】

第1部分 古代和中世纪英国文学 (450-1485)
第1章 古英语时期与《贝奥武甫》
Ⅰ. Historical Situation(背景知识)
Celts started to migrate to the British Isles in around BC 600. Afterwards, Julius Caesar of the Roman Empire led troops to invade the British Isles. As a result, Celts were defeated and were under Roman’s rule from BC 55 to AD 407.
After the Romans, three Germanic tribes, namely, Angles, Saxons and Jutes attacked the British Isles and lived there, which happened in around AD 450. Later in the late 8th century, the Danes from Scandinavia began to plunder the Isles.
The significant historical event that followed was the 1066 Norman Conquest. The Normans from northern France struck England and at the battle of Hastings won a decisive victory under the leadership of the Duke of Normandy known as William the Conqueror.
Ⅱ. Literary Achievements(文学成就)
Old English Poetry(古英语诗歌)
English literature begins with Anglo-Saxons’ settlement in England. The early English literature mainly included the Anglo-Saxon poetry. The minstrels sung those poems to the chiefs and warriors in the feasting hall as a way of praising old heroes’ deeds. The Old English used alliterations and rhymes regularly. Meanwhile, metaphors and understatements were also employed. Among early poems, the most widespread one is Beowulf.


Ⅲ. Literary Terms(文学术语)
1、 Anglo-Saxon poetry(盎格鲁-撒克逊诗歌)
Poems or songs about the heroic deeds of the old time. They were sung by the Anglo-Saxon minstrels to the chiefs and warriors in the feasting-hall. The typical Anglo-Saxon poem is Beowulf.
2、 Alliteration(头韵)
Alliteration is the repetition of the initial consonant sounds in poetry. Generally, there are 4 accents in a line, and three accents can show the effects of alliteration. Alliteration is noticeably used in Beowulf.
3、 Epic (or Heroic Poetry)(史诗)
It is narrative poetry in an oral form and is majestic in theme and style. Epics center on legendary or historical events that bear national or universal significance, such as action of broad sweep and grandeur. Epic poems present the nature or ideals of a nation at a significant period of its history.


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