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四川外国语大学《811英语翻译与写作》历年考研真题AI讲解 _ 达聪学习网















【内容节选】 2003年四川外国语大学411英语翻译与写作考研真题及详解I. Translate thefollowing into Chinese (50%):TheBackstairs Battle for White House InfluencePresidentReagans White House staff is divided into three parts: the upstairs part headedby the pragmatic James Baker(詹姆斯·贝克), the downstairs part beaded by the conservative WilliamClark(威廉·克拉克), andthe backstairs part patrolled by their assistants, who tell the pressabout the differences between upstairs and downstairs.There have beendifferences among most presidents’ advisers ever since Thomas Jefferson(托马斯·杰弗逊) was accused of relyingon an “invisible” group of associates that engaged in “backstairs influence.”So the current rumors of a struggle for the president’s mind among the BigFour—Baker, Clark, Michael Deaver and Edwin Meese (贝克、克拉克、迪弗、米斯)— are not new, justmore public.They are the resultof President Reagan’s remoteness from the day-to-day formation of policy, ofhis habit of delegating authority widely, and not to a single chief of staff,as President Dwight Eisenhower (艾森豪威尔) did, and of his tendency to avoid getting his principal aidestogether on a regular basis to listen patiently to their arguments anddifferences.Mr. Reagan’s wayis a reflection of his character and his personality. He is more interested inpresenting policy than forming it. He does not have a controlling chief ofstaff; he does not limit his principal advisers to a special field ofconcentration like Mr. Truman (杜鲁门), but lets the Big Four play the field and run across one another;he does not dominate or intimidate his staff, like Mr. Johnson; and he does notread and work like Mr. Carter.Does it matter?Most observers here would say it does. But there are some advantages. It freeshim to speak and perform, which he does better than any president in recentmemory, even when he is peddling nonsense.Also, since hecould stop the squabbling and most of the White House leaks by controlling theBig Four, it is conceivable that the leaks of his coming plans provide him anopportunity to test public and congressional opinion before acting.But it mattersbecause one day he takes his advice from upstairs and the next from downstairs.His speeches ate more vivid and unyielding than his acts, which creates afeeling of uncertainty and incoherence at home and abroad, and is harmful tothe president because there is continuing doubt about whether he is really incommand of a steady, continuing policy.Accordingly, hisproposals are increasingly rejected by the Confess and the allies. And theconfusion of his staff is at least partly to blame.【参考译文】里根总统的白宫工作人员分为三类:楼上的部分由注重实效的詹姆斯·贝克领导,楼下的部分由保守的法官威廉·克拉克领导,楼梯后面的部分由他们的助手巡逻,正是他们告诉出版社楼上和楼下的区别。自从有人指责托马斯·杰弗逊依靠一帮“看不见、摸不透”、专搞“幕后活动”的幕僚以来,美国几乎所有总统的幕僚之间都发生过一些纠葛。因此,目前关于四大派别(贝克、克拉克、迪弗、米斯)争夺总统心腹谣言不是新的,只是更大众化而已。他们是里根总统从日常政策构成中脱离的结果;是他权利下方习惯的结果,而这种习惯并不像艾森豪威尔总统一样只针对单一的参谋长;是他避免让首要副官和他共同耐心聆听他们的争论和分歧的趋向的结果。里根先生的工作方式反映了他的气质和个性,他对宣布政策比对制定政策兴趣更浓。他没有一位起控制作用的办公室主任,也不像杜鲁门先生那样把主要顾问一个个地限制在一个专门的领域,而是让四大派别满场跑,彼此冲撞。他既不像约翰逊先生那样控制或威吓幕僚,也不像卡特先生那样看文件,那样工作。这有关系吗?大多数观察人士会说它确实有关系。但也有一些优势。这让他有了演讲和表演的自由,即使是在兜售废话的时候,他也比任何一位总统的近期记忆力都好。此外,由于他尚能驾驭得住他的“四巨头”,从而制止争吵并使大多数消息不致漏出白宫,因此,他未来的计划要是有什么走漏的话,可以设想,那是他在行动之前测探民意和国会意见的一种机会。但这很重要,因为某天他从楼上听取建议,另一天从楼下听取建议。他的演讲比他的行为更生动、更强硬,这在国内外造成了一种不确定和不连贯的感觉,而且对总统有害,因为人们对他是否真正掌握了一种稳定的、持续的政策仍有疑问。这样一来,他所提的建议便越来越多地遭到了国会和盟邦的拒绝,而幕僚内部的混乱状态,对此是难辞其咎的。II. Translate the SECONDand THIRD paragraphs of the following passages into English. (50%)立体画廊长江三峡“朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还。两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。”唐代大诗人李白放歌长江三峡,留韵千秋。长江三峡西起白帝城,东至湖北宜昌南津关。沿途两岸奇峰陡立、峭壁对峙,自西向东依次为瞿塘峡、巫峡、西陵峡。三峡千姿百态,各具魅力,以瞿塘雄、巫峡秀、西陵险而驰名。巫山境内,则有流晶滴翠的大宁河小三峡、马渡河小小三峡。长江沿线重庆境内,还有建筑风格奇特的石宝寨、有“巴蜀胜境”之称的张飞庙、蜀汉皇帝刘备的托孤堂、有“云贵川丛林”之尊的双桂堂、地球上最早的人类“巫山猿人”遗址等,是集游览观光、科考怀古、艺术鉴赏、文化研究、民俗采风、建筑考察等为一体的著名旅游风景区。三峡工程建成蓄水后,高峡平湖的景观使三峡库区成为全国最大的国家级公园。重庆也成为国内最大的旅游观光度假胜地。【参考译文】Li Bai, thegreat poet in Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem in the Three Gorges on the YangtzeRiver, which has been passed down for a thousand years. It goes like that Ileft the Baidi town within the colorful clouds, and returned to Jiangling inone day for a thousand miles. When I heard the apes cheering from theriversides, my boat had left mountains far behind.The Three Gorgeson the Yangtze River starts from Baidi town in the west and ends at Nanjinguan,Yichang, Hubei province in the east. Grotesque hills rise steeply and cliffsstand opposite along the river banks. The Three Gorges on the Yangtze River arethe Qutang Gorge, the Wu Gorge and the Xiling Gorge respectively from west toeast. The Three gorges show diverse and varied sceneries with distinctivecharm. They are famous for the majesty of the Qutang Gorge, beauty of the WuGorge and precipitousness of the Xiling Gorge. There are the Mini Three Gorgesin Daling River and the Little Three Gorges in Madu River in Mount Wu. Alongthe Yangtze River, there are Shibaozhai Temple with special architecturalstyle, Zhangfei temple that is crowned with the scenic spot in Sichuan provinceand Chongqing Municipality, Tuogutang where Liu Bei, the emperor in shu-hankingdom period, entrusted his son to Zhu Geliang, Shuanggui Temple thatoccupies an extremely important position in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces,relic sites of ape men in Mount Wu that are regarded as the earliest humanbeings in the world and so on. It is a famous tourism scenic area that issuitable for sightseeing, scientific investigation, meditating on the past, artappreciation, cultural research, touring for folk customs, architectureinvestigation and so on.After thecompletion of the Three Gorges Project to retain water, Three Gorges ReservoirRegion has ranked among the biggest national park across the whole country dueto the scenic views in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. ChongqingMunicipality has also become one of the biggest resort for traveling,sightseeing and going on vacation at home.III. Write a 500-wordessay on the topic below: (50%)Directions: With the development of material prosperity, commercial ads havealmost become a normal part of our daily life. We can see them on TV, read themin the newspaper, bear them on the radio, and click on them on the Interact.Business people like commercial ads, for they can help market develop and grow;consumers like them too because they provide the newest information aboutproducts. To some people, however, commercial ads are changing our life in asomewhat undesirable way. For example, as we often buy things without thirstingproperly or making adequate comparisons between goods, we may gradually loseour good sense of making judgment and choice.What is youropinion about commercial ads? Announce your viewpoints in the essay you are towrite.Requirements: In the first part, you should present your general viewpoint in awell-formulated thesis statement, in the second part you should support thethesis statement with appropriate details, and in the third part you shouldwind up the whole essay with a natural engaging end.Marks will beawarded for content, organization grammar, and syntactic variety as well as forappropriate word choice. Failure to follow the above instructions may result inthe loss of marks. Remember to produce a clean fair copy.【参考范文】It is generallyaccepted that advertisements play an extremely important role in the modern businesscompetition. Advertisements are forcing their way into people’s lives. To alarge extent, good advertising leads to success while bad advertising can meanfailure. Although those ads can give us information about the products andservices, there are also some problems that can’t be ignored. Therefore, as faras I am concerned, commercial ads have brought more harm than good.First of all, commercialads may mislead the customers to make wrong purchasing choices. More often thannot, a majority of people will purchase what they are more familiar with. Ifthey have heard or watched a certain product for many times, it’s natural forthem to buy it without thinking about whether it is suitable or not. What’smore, commercial ads can stimulate unnecessary buying demands. For example,when a child has watched an ad for candies, it is very likely for him to askhis parents to buy it, which is a waste of money and unhealthy for the child’steeth. Besides, many ads would exaggerate the benefits of their products toattract attention and increase sales volume. Many consumers may haveexperienced a certain degree of disappointment after they find the realproducts are much different from what the ads have promised. When people fallfor the tricks, they can do nothing but complain and regret because they can’tcontact the sellers to get compensation after purchasing. There is anotherweakness of TV ads. Consumers always waste a great deal of time on them. Furthermore,consumers feel annoyed to be interrupted when they are watching TV play, so theycan’t watch any TV programs in a happy mood. From the perspective ofbusinessmen, it is never cheap to put ads on the television, which willundoubtedly increase the costs of their products. On one hand, the customersneed to pay more money for the same products. One the other hand, the runningrisks increases, because demands might reduce owing to a higher price. Asmaller sales volume means thinner profit margin in many cases. However, ifthose businessmen did not spend money on ads, the products would becomecheaper, which can benefit customers a lot. It’s a pity that many companiescompete with each other by adding expenditures to ads to promote theirproducts, which may have a bad influence on the whole market. After all, it’smore sensible for companies to develop their own advantage by improving productquality.To sum up, adsseek to influence our decisions and tell us what to do usually with the aim sellingmore at a relatively higher price. Anyway, we can be wise if we are able todistinguish between fiction and fact. To resist its negative influence so as tomake wise decisions, we must rely on our own judgment and ability to make purchase.【解析】关于商业广告,大家褒贬不一,本题要求写出一篇500词左右的英语作文来陈述自己的看法。首先第一段引出话题,商业广告在现代社会中扮演中重要的作用,已经进入了每个人的生活,但我认为商业广告也存在很多问题。于是第二段来给出理由,首先是商业广告会误导消费者的购物选择,其次是会激起不必要的消费需求,并且广告为了达到吸引消费者的目的会夸大其产品的优势,欺骗顾客,另外,电视广告十分浪费大家看电视节目的时间,除以以外,从商家的角度来看,播放广告也是一笔不小的开支,而这开支又会导致消费者花更多的钱去购买商品,所以如果不播放广告的话,消费者可以受益,商家的成本也会降低。最后一段做总结,广告会影响我们的购物,我们要学会区分广告的真伪,在购物时要依靠自己的思考再理性消费。2004年四川外国语大学411英语翻译与写作考研真题及详解I. Translate the following(Not Includingthe Underlined Part)into Chinese. (50points)“To travelhopefully” says Stevenson at the close of a famous essay, “is a better thingthan to arrive.” I take leave to doubt this. On the contrary, traveling seemsto me an inexpressibly tedious, monotonous disgusting occupation; whilearriving is one of the purest of human pleasures. Only you must be careful toarrive at the right place and you must be careful to time your arrival rightly.At some citiesit is best to arrive at night; at some, about twilight; at some, in the earlymorning; and at some, not at all.So far as mysmall experience goes, the most wonderful arrival in the world is at Venice;but you should time it after dark. Venice is so unlike anything else on earththat the first impact of it must be a marvelous experience at any hour; butafter dark it is magical. You may have been reading books about Venice all yourlife; you may have seen innumerable pictures of the glories of the city; but nobook and no picture can prepare you for the enchantment of this arrival. out ofthe glitter and bustle of the station—rather weary and jaded with the longjourney from Milan—straight on to the landing stage against which the water ofthe Grand Canal is lapping, to step on board a gondola and to go gliding downthe dark, broad, silent highway, with dim-lit, ghostly palaces on either hand;not till memory forsakes you will you forget this experience. The strangesilence, broken only by the measured dip of the oar and the soft plashing ofthe water against your cleaving prow, and the occasional hoarse cries of thegondoliers as you pass another of these black, funereal barges; the few andfeeble lamps, giving you momentary glimpses of balconies and finely carvenarches; the sudden intensification of the silence and the darkness as youabruptly leave the Grand Canal and slip along one of the narrower waterways,always with tall houses on both sides of you, and above you a clear sky ofstars, stars reflected tremblingly on the black waters—thousands of touristsmust have tried to describe all this, but the magic and the mystery and thebeauty of it defy human speech. And the spell is heightened by theconsciousness that this is Venice; at the back of your mind is all that youhave read about the strange history of this city, once the richest and mostbrilliant and most powerful in Europe, later fallen upon evil days of decay andsubjection to a foreign power, now beginning to lift her head again as one ofthe great seaports of Italy. That palace may be where Marino Faliero(马林诺··法里埃罗)lived and plotted againstthe republic; this other may be where Byron wrote the last canto of ChildeHarold(《恰尔德·哈罗尔德游记》);this, again, may be where Browning died. These are details; you will find outabout them to-morrow. Enough, for to-night, to surrender yourself to the hush,the gloom, the half-guessed-at beauties of a city which seems rather to be ametropolis of dreamland, or of fairyland, than a place where ordinary peoplelead commonplace lives and put up umbrellas when it rains.【参考译文】在某些城市,最好是在晚上到达,某些是在黄昏,某些是在清晨,而某些,却无所谓。我到过的地方不多,而到威尼斯的感觉最为奇妙,你如果要来的话最好是在夜晚。与世间其它地方不同的是,它不是你随时造访都可以立刻迷上其美妙的风采,惟有在夜晚,她才奇幻。你一生中可能阅读过很多描写威尼斯的著作;也可能欣赏过无数描绘这个城市辉煌美景的图片;然而,任何一部著作,人恶化衣服图画,都不能让你感受这种置身其中的心醉。从米兰启程到威尼斯,一路的长途跋涉已经让人疲惫不堪了;走出车站的喧闹与拥挤,径直踏上威尼斯大运河,海浪轻轻拍打着的栈桥,登上冈多拉,在漆黑、宽广、寂静的水面上滑行而过,河岸两侧灯光昏暗的古代宫殿若隐若现;除非是记忆将你遗弃,否则,你将永远不会忘掉这样的经历。船桨缓慢而有节奏地拨动着水面,抑或是船头划开水面轻溅起了水花,再或是你们超过的另一艘黑色驳船不时传来了船夫低声的吆喝,只有这些声音,才能大伯这种独特的静谧;星星点点的微弱灯光,能让你在一瞬间瞥见岸上的楼群和雕刻精美的拱门;当冈多拉载着你忽然驶出大运河继而拐进一条狭窄的水路时,这种寂静和黑暗就愈加浓郁了,水路两旁依旧矗立着高耸的楼群,你的头顶上是清澈的星空,星光点点闪烁,倒映在黑色的水面上——成千上万的观光者一定都想试图描述着一切;然而,她的魔力,她的神秘。她的美丽,却让人难以言表。一想到这便是威尼斯,人们所感受到的魔力与美丽就更浓了;也许你还依稀记得这个城市神奇的经历;她曾经一度是欧洲最富有、最荣耀、最强大的城市,后来在不幸的岁月里逐渐衰落,屈从于外国势力,现在,作为意大利重要的港口之一,它由开始昂起了头。马林诺·法里埃罗可能就是在这里生活并写下反对共和国的歌剧,拜伦可能在此写出《恰尔德·哈罗尔德游记》的最后一节,还是这里,可能是勃朗宁死去的地方,这些都是细节,你第二天可以发现更多关于他们的故事。不要再说,今晚,你将自己向这座城市屈服,向这座死气沉沉、让人看不透的城市低头。这里是梦想的都会,或者是一个童话世界,而不是普通百姓居家过日寻求庇护的场所。II. Translate thefollowing into English.(50 points)重庆的文化名区——沙坪坝沙坪坝,物丰景美,人杰地灵。20世纪30年代末,抗日军兴,陪都始建,海内文化名流相率西上,沙区遂学府林立,艺苑纷陈,中华学者名家,多聚于此。李四光、郭沫若、巴金、徐悲鸿、夏衍、冰心、马寅初、柳亚子、老舍等人,均曾在此居住。悲壮而书,慷慨而鸣,泼墨于民族危难之际,放歌于众志成城之时。或演史剧以喻现实,或作丹青以抒壮怀;办学则育人有方,科研则治学有术;创办报刊,宣传真理;登台演说,唤起民众——真可谓争民族解放之先锋。今日的沙坪坝,乃享誉中外之文化明区,人才荟萃,群贤毕至。有中小学近200所,高校9所,院士教授及各类高中级人才5万余人。教育声势壮,科技发展快,群众文艺活动丰富多彩,精品佳作迭出不穷。红岩精神生根与斯,光大于斯,各显文化底蕴之深厚。故“全国科技先进区”、“全国文化先进区”、“田径之乡”等殊荣美誉,正可谓名副其实之写照。【参考译文】Shapingba isrich in natural resources and beautiful scenery, in which outstanding talentshave been produced. In the end of 1930s, the anti-Japanese army wasenthusiastic, and Chongqing was made the capital of the nationalist government.Cultural celebrities from abroad and home went west one after another. Numerousinstitutions were established in Shaqu and the academic circle was quiteactive. Most Chinese learners and celebrities gathered here, among which LiSiguang, Guo Moruo, Xu Beihong, Xia Yan, Bingxin, Ma Yinchu,Liu Yazi, Laosheand so on had lived here. They expressed their sadness through writing andbecame excited by strong feelings. They devoted themselves to writing in thetime of national crisis and encouraged people to work together. They played historicaldrama to reflect the reality or painted pictures to show their ambitions. Educatorswere known for fine teaching and scientists were good at doing research. Truthwas propagandized through the establishment of newspaper. They rose to thestages to make speeches to raise people’s awareness, thus earning the name ofbeing the pioneers of national liberation.Shapingba iscurrently the cultural area well-known both domestically and internationallywith talents and people of virtues gathering. There is nearly 200 primary andmiddle schools, 9 colleges and universities. The number of academicianprofessors and all kinds of high-mid-level talents reaches more than50thousand. Education and technology are developing rapidly. The public areholding colorful and abundant cultural activities with fine works coming outcontinuously. Hongyan spirit, the spirit of sticking to truth and transformingthe society, has taken roots here, from which massive cultural deposits can bereflected. Therefore, it is worthy of the special honors including National Scienceand Technology Advanced Zone, National Culture Advanced Zone and the Home of Trackand Field.III. Write a 500-wordessay on the topic below (50%)Directions: We’ve always heard the saying“Wait till tomorrow!” It rings in ourears with piercing familiarity. To somepeople, this has almost always meant“Never” for they believe that a thingtoo delayed is a chance denied. Someother people, however, think the sayingis well justified for life has provedtime and again that “More haste, lessspeed.”Which of the twoopinions do you agree with? Announce your viewpoint in the essay you are towrite.Requirements: In the first part, you should presentyour viewpoint in a well-formulated thesis statement; in the second part, youshould support the thesis statement with appropriate details; in the thirdpart, you should wind up the whole essay with a satisfying end.Marks will beawarded for content, organization, grammar, and syntactic variety as well asfor appropriate word choice. Failure to follow the above instructions mayresult in the loss of marks. Remember to produce a clean fair copy.【参考范文】It is alwayshard for people to share the same opinion. As a result, there are two kinds ofchoices towards tasks, namely, do it right now or put it to tomorrow. Too manypeople focus on the past or the future, which is not beneficial. We can lamentthe past, and plan for the future, but we can only get things done in thepresent, today. Personally, I believe we should not develop the habit of leavetasks to the next day. As an old saying goes that never put till tomorrow whatshould be done today.It is better forus to finish tasks as soon as possible for the reason that time is precious andwe are supposed to make the most of it to do valuable things. What’s more,since future is uncertain, we will never know what kind of new mission iswaiting for us the next day. If we can leave enough time for tomorrow’s work,we are more likely to complete it confidently and without haste. For anotherreason, we are living in such a highly competitive world, so efficiency is ofgreat importance to everybody’s success. It’s evident that bosses will preferto employ those who can finish their work in the shortest time out of a groupof candidates. As for me, if I have not finished what I am supposed to do, Iwould feel extremely uncomfortable to have fun with friends. Only when we haveno tasks left can we really enjoy ourselves and do whatever we are fond of.Additionally, it has been agreed that things will become more complicated ifyou start late. Some people are used to feel stressed and nervous facing withdeadline. When their minds are in great anxiety, it’s often the case that theirefficiencies will go down, which stops them to produce better work that mightbe originally within their abilities. Consequently, their full potential can’tbe brought out. What’s worse, sometimes what we put off till tomorrow mightnever be done afterwards. However, if we incline to accomplish what we shoulddo right now, we can have more time to do some research and ask for help fromothers if necessary. In the end, we can feel great sense of achievement andbecome happier and more confident than before.Time is limited,so there is no reason for us to put off anything undone to the next day. Whentime is gone, it will never return. This is the reason why we must value time. Lazinesswill not only bring us failure but also lead us to the road of poverty. Worktoday, for you don’t know how much you may be hindered tomorrow. Seize thepresent day, cherish every minute you have now and trust the tomorrow as littleas possible.【解析】对于要做的事情,有人倾向于立马就做,有人认为可以推到第二天,因为欲速则不达,本题要求选取一种自己同意的观点,并阐述说明,写一篇500字的英语作文。所以在第一段中,先对话题进行引入,介绍一下两方的观点,再提出自己的看法,即今日事要今日毕。第二段对自己的看法进行说明,我们要充分利用宝贵的时间,未来不确定的因素太多,我们不会知道明天会有什么新的任务,所以要尽量早地做完自己该做的事情,此外,事情越早开始做都是越容易的,因为早早开始能给我们充足的时间去准备或者求助他们的帮助,相反,留到截止日时因为太多急躁和焦虑会使得工作效率下降,这会导致潜力得不到发挥,更糟糕的是被推迟了的事情可能以后永远都不会再做。最后一段做一下总结,因为时间是有限的,所以我们没有理由把事情推迟,而要抓住当下的每一刻。



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