第一章 导言
Check your understanding
State whether each of the following statements is True or False.
(1) There is universal agreement about the origin of language.
(2) Pet dogs can speak human language.
(3) All human infants can speak some language.
(4) By creativity we mean the creative use of language as often practiced by poets.
(5) With different cultures there will be different languages.
(6) Not all uses of language are meant to convey new information.
In-Class Activities
1. “Language”, like “yuyan” in Chinese, is used for different meanings in different contexts, as shown below:
a. Chinese is a language.
b. Linguistics is the systematic study of language.
e. Both Jane and John like Shakespeare’s language.
d. the languageof bees
(1) What does “language” mean in each of the contexts?
Key: a. a natural language; language in particular.
b. a human-specific tool for communication; language in general.
c. individual style of language use.
d. a metaphorical way of referring to bees’ system of communication.
(2) Is there any other context in which the use of the word means something else?
Key: Yes. Example: language for the computer like C++.
2. There is a well-known story in the Bible that reflects the importance of language in human society. According to the Old Testament, mankind spoke only one language until Nimrod began to build a tower that was to reach heaven. The Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Come, let us go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand each other’s speech.”
(1) What if there were no language?
Key: If there were no language, human beings could not communicate with each other, the experience of great persons and the process of history could not be documented. All in all, without language, the society cannot move forward.
(2) What if there were only one language the world over?
Key: It would be much more convenient for human beings to communicate with each other; however, on the other hand, there could not be such a prosperous development of different cultures.
(3) What can we learn from this Bible story?
Key: Language is powerful as a tool of human communication.
3. The arbitrary nature of language does not suggest that individuals can use a language arbitrarily. In fact, once the members of a community agree on the meaning of words, they are supposed to abide by the convention. Look at the following cartoon:
(1) Can one really invent a language of one’s own?
Key: No.
(2) If not, why?
Key: A language comes into being and is used by convention or agreement among its speakers.
【完整版】 达聪网 陈新仁《英语语言学实用教程》(第2版)笔记和课后习题详解