第1章 五个学生和五种方法
1 Why do people learn foreign languages? 人们为什么学外语?
2 Individual learning differences 个体学习差异
3 Language teaching: a variety of methods 多种教学方法
Ⅰ. Reasons for learning(学习的原因)
1 Further study purpose(以进修为目的)
Some learners learn English for going abroad or for professional development.
2 Communication(交流目的)
Learning the customs and culture of the target language helps to better communicate with the target population.
Ⅱ. Individual learning differences(个体学习差异)
1 Attitude
Learners need to adopt appropriate attitudes towards native speakers of the language they are learning.
2 Parental support
Parents’ support for their children is very important. If parents want their children to learn a foreign language well, their support will be of great help to their children in the process of learning a foreign language.
3 Talent
Some people are born with a talent for learning foreign languages.
Ⅲ. Methods you have experienced(一些已知的教学方法)
1 Immersion(沉浸式教学法)
This method is based on the view that the process of learning a foreign language and mastering the mother tongue in childhood are essentially the same.
2 Grammar-translation (GT)(语法-翻译教学法)
Some teachers spend 20 minutes writing emphasis on grammar on the blackboard and use a lot of grammatical terms. Then let the students do some bilingual translation training.
3 Total physical response (TPR)(肢体反应教学法)
The teacher first does a few demonstration moves, and then selects a few students to imitate. The teacher will not speak during the demonstration. After a while, the teacher asks the students to describe in the target language, and let other students imitate it.
【完整版】 达聪网 Keith Johnson《外语学习与教学导论》笔记和考研真题详解